Pastoral Planning

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Pastoral Planning

Pastoral Planning

A Pastoral Plan is a set of goals and objectives, freely embraced by a community through a process of shared decision-making, which directs that community in its pastoral activities and decisions.  It is the guiding light for all bodies and teams in a parish or diocese.

Pastoral Planning is a process by which a faith community −with a deep appreciation of its past and an understanding of its present strengths and weaknesses − seeks to respond to the spiritual and pastoral needs of people within, and beyond, the community.

In order to resolve particular pastoral issues, effective structures and processes are needed to facilitate communication and co-ordination, create opportunities for people to use their gifts and encourage all the baptised to participate in the life and mission of the local Church.

Pastoral Planning is a tool used by the Bishop and the Council for Mission to involve the diocese in a process of evaluation, imagining and planning to help the community stay in touch with the changing circumstances of life and faith. In this way the mission of Christ entrusted to the people is constantly reviewed and re-visioned and its life and faith remain refreshing, enlivening and prophetic. Pastoral Planning is essential for the ongoing life and vitality of the church.

The current version of the diocesan pastoral planning document “Moving Forward Together 2010-2014" is found in this link: