Preparing for and celebrating Ordinary Time and Weekdays

There is nothing ordinary about ‘Ordinary Time’. For the faithful the liturgy reminds us of and enables us to celebrate God’s loving presence with us in all the ordinary and extraordinary moments of every day and every experience as God’s love constantly calls us to open our eyes and hearts to the dying rising pattern of life.

The Diocesan Liturgy Council has prepared a resource Exploring the Liturgical Year through Scripture that provides a range of resources to support your prayer with the scripture.


Many parish communities are reflecting on what to do when weekday Mass is not possible. The Liturgy Council has considered this issue and produced a Practice Note: Liturgical Celebrations on Weekdays which aims to assist parishes to respond to this pastoral situation in the best way possible. The Practice Note is recommended to Parish Leadership Teams and Liturgy Teams for their consideration and discussion. It also has relevance to Catholic school communities. Other resources on this website will assist parishes and schools in their response: Information about the Prayer of the Church and templates for Morning and Evening Prayer and a Week Day Liturgy of the Word template.
